Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Arch1142 - Video Editing Program for Stop Motion

VirtualDub ( is the program I used to put this together (available for free download on PC, not sure about Mac):
(In case anyone wants to know)

How to use it:

Have all of the images named in a sequence in a folder:
e.g. IMG_1320.JPG, IMG_1321.JPG, IMG_1322.JPG (as if straight from digicam)

Select Open> image sequence(from dropdown) > the first image you want you use from the sequence.

settings to use:
1) options > no audio

2) Video compression > cinepac by radius (or a microsoft video codec).

3) Video > Filters > Add:

- Resize (to 1024x728 or other screen resolution size)

- Grayscale (if you want black and white)

(Also play around with some of the other

4) Play around with Video > Framerate if you want to.

File > Save as avi

And it will export the video.

You can even slice videos up and append them using this program (much like adobe premiere).

Arch 1142 - Architecture in Motion - Final Video

Here is my Architecture in Motion Final Video link:

Final Video Link.avi

(It comes out pretty grainy through the inbuilt player, so click the link and download it for better viewing :)