Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Week 5 - Quotes

"It is our recognition of these intellectual and emotional similarities between chimpanzees and ourselves that has, more than anything else, blurred the line, once thought so sharp, between human beings and other animals. Through observations of chimpanzees, people's attitudes toward nonhuman animals has definitely begun to change."
Jane Goodall "Essays on science and society:
Learning from the Chimpanzees: A Message Humans Can Understand." Science 282 (1998), 2184 - 2185.

"To be a good nurse one must be a good woman; or one is nothing but a tinkling bell. To be a good woman at all, one must be an improving woman; for stagnant waters sooner or later, and stagnant air, as we know ourselves, always grow corrupt and unfit for use."
Florence Nightingale "Florence Nightingale: To her nurses" (London: Kessinger Publishing 2005), 5.

"As the name suggests a worm-hole is a thin tube of space-time that can connect to nearly flat regions far apart. It is somewhat like being at the base of high ridge of mountains to get to the other side; you would normally have to climb a long distance up and then back down but not if there was a giant wormhole that cut horizontally through the rock."
Stephen Hawkins & Leonard Mlodinow, l. "A Briefer History of Time" (Beverly Hills: One West Publishing) 2005, CD 3 Track 8.

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