Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Elevator Draft - "The Ski Slope Buggy"

This is the proposed elevator design for entry into Jobs' office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Strongest - your seat elevator is interesting and the form of the solo chair has a feeling of power about it. It would be nice to see where the final version of the lift ends. Does Jobs have to leave his chair to go to his desk or is his desk chair the elevator chair? If this is so, how does jobs interact with the groundlevel employees of his company?

Weakest - your image captures have the gun and begining overlay on them still. You can get rid of the gun by going into settings and turning it to hidden. You can get exterior shots by hitting the "`" key during game play and typing "fly". Type "walk" to go back to normal. Some of your captures are very dark I suggest you lighten them up to show the architecture off in a better way. Also don't focus on the exterior too much. Remember if the tutor can't see it by walking around inside your model, don't bother designing it.